I don’t usually drive my sister to work, but I had to do that Tuesday morning. On the way, we stopped at McDonald’s and grabbed coffee. I’ve never really gotten into the coffee thing, but I occasionally enjoy a cup of plain black coffee with cream. So, McDonald’s coffee. Wow. That’s some really good stuff. Though I will still only get coffee every once in a blue moon, I will make it McDonald’s instead of Starbucks.
Another thought: Starbucks is completely overrated. Their coffee stinks, and I mean that literally. The last time I got coffee at Starbucks, it not only tasted awful, but it also smelled like fish. That’s right, fish. I went and complained and they replaced my cup, but the smell and taste didn’t change. Because of that, I pretty much vowed to never get coffee at Starbucks and have always gotten passion tea lemonade there since.
Another another thought: There is nothing more wonderful than a spring morning. Unless, of course, it is a spring morning, with Mozart playing, a nice cup of hot delicious coffee and a good book to read. I had to wait on Tuesday morning, because I got to an appointment too early, so I started reading a book called The Kite Runner. By Tuesday evening I had read over 120 pages and become so engrossed in this book, I was already recommending it to anyone who’d listen to me rave about it. It’s one of those works that one becomes awed and haunted by for its superb writing, well-crafted characters and beautiful story. The setting is Afghanistan—the Afghanistan on the brink of revolution and war in the late 70s and part of the 80s. It is about a boy and his servant. It is about acceptance, love, loyalty and betrayal. I make it sound so simple and almost cliché, but it’s truly a great book I can’t put down. There is nothing better than a book you can’t put down.